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Using The Shop Wizard


Using The Shop Wizard and Making Money

Ever heard people say "Hey it was soo cool I found this shop and they had fire faeries for only 10np!!" so with that in mind you jump staright over to the shop wizard and keep trying to find a Fire Faerie for 10np, but end up coming out with nothing? Well I suggest you read this then. The trick I use when I am looking for something cheap is the containg phrase part of the shop wizard here I do common searches such as just the word faerie this will give me all kinds of stuff and it makes it pretty easy to find something cheap. I also do 'Paint Brush' 'Mote' among others. Also if I have no clue at all what I am looking for you could always try just typing the letter 'a' this will get you pretty much anything but it could take longer to find what you want so the choice is yours. By Dale (mrsoccer311)